Youth Baseball, Softball, and T Ball
MAYS Baseball, Softball and T Ball information regarding dates, fees, refunds, assessment/tryout dates, and other important items please click on our Registration Policy Document.
Tee Ball
Mt. Angel T-Ball plays their games against other Mt. Angel teams. There is no traveling outside of town.
Tee Ball is for boys and girls entering Kindergarten in the Fall thru 1st grade.
After registration, teams are formed, coaches chosen and play begins around first part of May.
To Register: Click on the REGISTRATION button at top.
Mt. Angel Little League Softball plays in Oregon District 7 Little League.
Little League Softball is a recreational level program consisting of AA, AAA and Majors levels.
For Assessment/Tryout Dates, Fees, and other info click on BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL REGISTRATION POLICY
To Register: Click on the REGISTRATION button at top.
On occasion a MAYS coach may offer a higher level of softball play than Little League Softball.
Depending on the players age, the team may play at the 10U, 12U, or 14U level.
Tournaments are held on Saturday and Sundays and played through NAFA in Newberg or Keizer.
Tournament teams are Coach Driven. Email MtAngelYouthSports@gmail to see if MAYS has a tournament team option for the upcoming season.
Rookies(1st/2nd grade) play games against other Mt. Angel and Silverton teams.
Minors(3rd/4th grade), Juniors (5th/6th grade), and Seniors (7th/8th grade) levels play in the Clackamas League JBO.
For Assessment/Tryout Dates, Fees, and other info click on BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL REGISTRATION POLICY
To Register: Click on the REGISTRATION button at top.